Timo Alakotila will be performing at Kaukas EloFolk on august 19.th. Kaukas EloFolk is a first time event organized by culture enthusiast of Kaukas together with Timo, who is in charge of the musical line-up for the event. Come enjoy a day full of joyous folk music, a serene venue embed in finnish nature and excellent company!Performances by:
Timo Alakotila – Karen Tweed – Nordik Tree – T for Three –
Felis-quartet – Antti Savilampi – Folk 44 – Matti –
students of Hyvinkää music institute
Tickets can be pre-ordered online at www.lipputoimisto.fi or at the event starting from 1pm.
Ticket prices:
Adults 15€
Children age 7-16 5€
Childer under 7 free entry
Contact information:
Kaukasten Juhlatalo
Jokipadontie 6, Hyvinkää
Official site:
Inquiries about the event can be sent to: